A person who knows and is aware that he knows, is wise, follow him; A person who knows but is not aware that he knows, remind him; A person who doesn't know and is aware that he doesn't know, teach him; A person who doesn't know and pretends to know, is fool, leave him

Bless me in my undertakings Dear God, grant me victory and I shall shout your blessings for all to hear of your power!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Teachers' Teacher Becomes student

In my interview with the UT niews, I expressed my interest to work with TPACK (see the interview in this link): http://www.utnieuws.utwente.nl/new/?artikel_id=75136 . I am thinking of doing some researches to find out if TPACK model is enough to develop a competent teacher. How best can the TPACK model be integrated in the teachers training program? Should a teacher learn the whole TPACK model as a single subject or can be taught each part of the TPACK separately and integrate the different pieces in the teaching practices? How will teachers be monitored to find out if they integrate it properly? How can we describe the other components such as TPK, TCK and PCK? Should teachers' training colleges introduce a lesson to teach TPK, TCK and PCK as a different subject matter? Because I think most of the colleges are currently teaching each component of TPACK (Technology, pedagogy and content) as an independent discipline. I am curious if what is described in the TPACK model can be easly put into practice.

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